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      7. New Multi-Buy Discount

      We’ve updated how our Multi-Buy bulk discount works. Multi-Buy discount will now apply to ANY combination of stickers.

      Previously, Multi-Buy discount would only trigger on multiple quantity of the same sticker. This meant that only a small number of orders actually benefitted from its savings. With the new rules you can mix and match between multiple designs to get a discount. This will increase the number of orders that are eligible.

      The first two tiers of discount have had their percentage values lowered slightly to account for the increased number of eligible orders, but the maximum discount (40%) which was for a quantity of 4 or more stickers remains the same. See the following for a comparison:

      Old Rules

      2 QTY of same sticker
      3 QTY of same sticker
      4+ QTY of same sticker
      30% Discount on those stickers only
      35% Discount on those stickers only
      40% Discount on those stickers only

      New Rules

      2 QTY of any stickers
      3 QTY of any stickers
      4+ QTY of any stickers
      20% Discount on the entire cart
      30% Discount on the entire cart
      40% Discount on the entire cart

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